The apple orchard is a direct reflection of the care takers of this land.
Verger Labonté was first nourished and supported by Diane Gareau and Claude Labonté. Their united vision of raising their children in harmony with Nature. During the 80s, they cleared the land to plant bountiful apple trees and began to cultivate their business in 1989. There, the family raised their three daughters in this enchanting environment as the orchard grew in her potential.
The couple having established deep roots with their incredible venture, were grounded in being of service to the community. The loving quality of their apple’s and the delicious, moist apple muffin recipe further elevated their regional reputation as Verger Labonté.
In 2003, Diane and Claude decided to place their beloved business up for sell to follow suit on their next adventure. That same year, Nathalie and Pierre, a couple seeking for a project that would bring them closer to nature, discovered Verger Labonté.
Nathalie, an occupational therapist and Pierre, an accountant, don’t have any experience in agriculture, but nonetheless, courageously and wholeheartedly become Verger Labonté’s new care takers and visionaries.
When Nathalie’s children were very young, they could experienced the magic of being close to nature and learning the language of the orchard. Their interest and involvement in the orchard grew as they and the trees evolved through the cycles of life.
Never was this more evident than in 2020.
With the events of the COVID-19 pandemic, the family united and stepped up to support their business. In these times of social distancing, the hiring of employees to help accomplish the tasks necessary to the encourage the thriving orchard, proved to be a new lesson to learn from.
Enter Thierry, Tristan and Émilie.
Thierry, the eldest, strengthened by his financial studies and savy, directs the agricultural sector. He is the one who ensures that the new eco-friendly agricultural techniques are properly implemented. He has a mindful eye on the way they evolve with the agronomist and is in charge of new work teams when hiring returns to normalcy. Without his dedicated involvement, there would be no harvest this year.
Tristan, the middle child, a cadet with a knack for mechanical work, takes charge of the maintenance of the buildings and of some of the machinery. He ensures that everything is in top-working order and that with proper preparation not much would affect crucial operations. He is the engine to which the orchard continues to flow and flourish.
Émilie, the youngest, grew up on the orchard grounds and offers valuable support for her mother, her brothers and all the work teams in a variety of ways. For some years now, she brilliantly channels the orchard’s purpose to shine brightly by welcoming our respected and beloved clients with empathy, kindness and sincerity.
In 2006, with the insightful direction of Nathalie, the once simple apple orchard is transformed.
No longer is it solely an orchard, it blossoms into a place of gathering, renewal and playfulness. Nathalie, nurturing her deep seeded passion for harmony within nature and all beings, shares her warm hearted intention through Verger Labonté with the community.
The orchard has become a gateway in exploring creativity in all its forms. This empowered us to discover new varieties of Québec-grown apples, to playing with innovation by developing new natural insect control techniques and in creating joyous games that encourage people to contribute and share their experiences.
The amazing corn mazes, in addition to being a space for imagination and play, grants us the ability to fundraise and to offer support to those in need around the world.

Our team
The orchard’s family isn’t limited to Nathalie, Thierry, Tristan and Émilie. Numerous are those who have offered their hand to the growth and community of Verger Labonté.
This extended family has collaborated and contributed to the Verger’s success: Nathalie’s parents, uncles, aunts and her sister.
Throughout the years, all these people have helped us, with their collaboration and support, to bring you this powerful link, which we call the Verger’s Great Family.
Some now live abroad and others are our neighbours, some come regularly and others from time to time. Some are people of experience, others are just starting their first job. Yet, all of them collaborate to form this beautiful community and have one common goal at heart:
To create together for the benefit of all.
Without our staff, who nurture the orchard, take part in the clearing, weed control, harvest, sorting and peeling of fruits; without those who transform our apples into delicious treats, to those who participate in the creation and and management of our activities, to those who welcome our clients, and answer their questions, and to those who guide our visitors to feel at home. The orchard wouldn't be as magical as it is today.
Thanks to our numerous collaborators who counsel, develop, build, repair, create, decorate, listen, support, provide and brainstorm with our projects. We are able to extend to you an environment which is radiates with kindness, love and service.
Verger Labonté is all these well-doers!
Nathalie Gervais is the heart of Verger Labonté. As the owner and main visionary, she creates and sustains a heart-centred, beautiful oasis which many have come to love and cherish.
The orchard’s essence is nourished by her, by all of our friends, our families, by all of those who have supported and to those who continue to offer support after all these years.
At Verger Labonté, we see well beyond the apple. We are a haven of love in which to live, work and embrace all beings.